And it was about the secret (well, not anymore) CIA operative otherwise known as Asplundh.
Now, this requires a bit of back story. For the past few weeks, a number of white pick-up trucks marked with the word "Asplundh" have been staking out the territory surrounding the office where I work. During our post-lunch walk, my coworkers and I witnessed two Asplundh trucks engaging in what can only be described as very poorly disguised reconnaissance. These trucks have also been parked at various points along the road that leads to the office building, once going so far as to park directly in front of the driveway leading into our parking lot.
Sketchy, right?
Naturally, my friends and I love to joke that Asplundh is obviously a cover for some unit of the CIA. (Perhaps a training unit, hence the overtly sketchy behavior.) But none of us ever actually knew what Asplundh was...until I uncovered the truth with my subconscious (unconscious) mind.
Needless to say, I, Allison, successfully Google-searched Asplundh in a dream last night.
Yes, successfully. In my dream, I wanted to uncover the truth behind the inside joke, so I completed a Google search on the word "Asplundh." At first, that lead me to a page about the Department of Homeland Security (of course). That result, though fitting, didn't make sense even in my dream. However, a second search attempt told me that Asplundh was, in fact, some sort of tree preservation society or organization.
This morning, after waking up and laughing about my dream, I was inspired to do a real Google search which uncovered....

...a government-hired agency dedicated to tree and vegetation management.
Me = psychic.
End of story.
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