March 28, 2009

Real estate is giving me a headache.

I've been looking for an apartment near work so I can put an end to my 70-mile commuting days and nights spent in the company hotel. As much as I love freeloading off my parents and employers, I need my own place. But, despite my best efforts, the Internet is making this search more difficult than it should probably be.

Do you know how many real estate search sites are out there? 50 gazillion, approximately. And all these sites require accounts and log-ins. And none of these sites share property listings. And all of these sites are driving me crazy. And I'm betting none of these sites are willing to pay a decent psychologist to help me work through the issues this is creating.

And so I ask, what are you good for, Internet?! You complicate things! Everything might be just a keystroke away, but that's part of the problem -- everything is just a keystroke a bazillion different places! It's scattered willy-nilly all over the place, without any organization, rhyme or reason. What's the good in that? Who does that help? NOT ME, that's who! Now, stop being so frustrating, Internet, and get out there and find me an apartment!


Lauria said...

Have you thought about hiring a real estate agent to do some of the work for you? I know they have ones that look for apartments. It might be happier than slogging thru tons of crap online.

Where in CT are you looking? I know some people scattered about the state that might have an idea of where to look.

Allison said...

I have thought about hiring a real estate agent but that would require...hiring them while involves, I'm assuming, money. Unless they're willing to work for under $50, I'm probably not willing to pay them. HAHA. :)

I'm looking in the East Hartford area and surrounding towns -- Manchester, Vernon, Tolland, etc. -- but since it's just me, I'm kind of on a tight budget in terms of rent. Like, preferably under $800/month.

Anonymous said...

The money that agents make come from the person renting the place out and not the person doing the looking. Just like looking for work through a head hunter :-)

The best apartments are gut-rehab old buildings/houses, imo.