February 1, 2009

WANTED: Decisiveness.

I've reached a new level of indecisiveness. For the past week, I've been adding (and removing, and re-adding) items to my iTunes and Amazon.com shopping carts, trying to decide whether to buy digital or physical copies of approximately 20 albums that I want....

One part of me desperately needs the instant gratification of an iTunes download, but another (very stubborn) part of me doesn't mind spending a little more money and waiting a few extra days for shipping in exchange for album art and liner notes.

And both parts of me have given up on a resolution being reached anytime soon. The only thing I have wholly and absolutely decided is that it's a good idea to invest about $300-400 (maybe more) in expanding my music collection.

Anyone feel like making this decision for me? Are there decision-makers for hire? And, if so, would the satisfaction that comes with making someone else (i.e., me) happy be payment enough for them? Because I can't afford a decisive personal assistant and a sizable addition to my music collection.

I'm amused/thankful that this is the greatest source of anxiety in my life at the moment.


Lauria said...

Albums. The only pro you listed on itunes is the instant gratification. But because you're putting off the decision, the gratification obviously isn't enough. So you might as well plunk those into your amazon.com check out and get them in a few days. :)

Lara Eichhorn said...

I started only buying digital music last year once I realized how bad for the environment the production of those little plastic discs and cases was. Also, they're worth so little when you don't want them any more, it's probably cheaper just to buy the digital ones and delete them when you get sick of them. I bet a ton of CDs (or at least cases) end up in the landfill.

I decided that for stuff I really really love, I'll buy them on vinyl. But I haven't bought anything but digital since I decided that and I don't really miss it.

Allison said...

I've been leaning towards CDs because I really only invest in music these days if I already know I love it, so street value (or hipster value) isn't important to me.

What is important to me is album art, but I'm not going to suddenly start investing in vinyl (as much as I do have a fetish for the ritualism that comes with owning vinyl records) because I'd probably have to obsessively re-buy all the records I already own in CD form. That's more hassle than it's worth since I'm just going to rip the tracks onto my iPod anyway.

But I appreciate the feedback from both of you! Though I usually know the decision I want to make, I don't like actually finalizing anything until I get some sort of outside validation. I'm sure a psychiatrist could tell me all about that, but I'm not that interested in the reasons behind my dysfunctions. ;)